We are a community of disciples who pray, serve and learn together.
All are welcome to join us! Join Our ParishGIVE NOWChristmas Mass Schedule
Important Notice: Beware of Spam Emails
It has come to our attention that a fraudulent email, appearing to be from Fr. Jerry, has been circulating. Please be advised that Fr. Jerry will never ask for help, gift cards, or any personal assistance via email or text message.
If you receive such a message, do not respond or provide any personal information. For any concerns or to verify communications, please contact the parish office directly.
Thank you for your vigilance.

Welcome to WHEAT Scattered and Sown Family of Parishes!
This website has information about many ministries, activities and events at Immaculate Conception Parish.
If you would like to get involved in any of our parish ministries, or are looking for service opportunities, please click on “Get Involved” at the top of this page to see our ministries and opportunities. Our efforts help food pantries, soup kitchens, and people in need.
Virtual Connections
Our parish bulletin may be found at the bottom of this page.
Click here to access our Facebook page.
Click here to go to our YouTube Channel.
WHEAT Scattered and Sown:
W – West Falls, St. George
H – Holland, St. Joseph
E – Elma, Annunciation and St. Vincent
A – Aurora, Immaculate Conception
T- Together
Road to Renewal Process Information
Click on the button below to go directly to our Family’s Road to Renewal Process Information. Details and notes from our Pillar Chair Meetings with Fr. Jerry are posted on that page.
Mass and Church Livestream
Our Church is open virtually from 7:30am-3pm daily.
On Saturday’s it is open virtually until 6:00pm.
Come and spend some time with Jesus!
If you cannot hear anything, please click on the little audio (it looks like a little megaphone) icon in the bottom right of the video.
That will turn the sound on. If there is a “X” next to that audio icon, then the sound is turned off.
520 Oakwood Avenue
East Aurora, NY 14052
Mass Schedule
4:30 pm
8:00 am and 9:30 am
8:00 am Monday, Wednesday and Thursday
8:00 am Tuesday unless a school mass then the mass is 9:15am
Holy Days:
As Announced
Every Saturday (except Holy Sat.)
3:30 pm –4:00 pm

Ministry Directory
Download a copy of our Ministry Directory.
Have Faith
Check out this site for activities
events and resources for
Catholics ages 18-35
What/Who is
the Catholic Church?
Watch this short video
that describes
who we are.
When traveling this
site is helpful to find
Mass times
at your destination.
Parish News
Miss Judy Kosinski Recognized for Catechesis
At the Breaking of the Bread last month Mrs. Kreutzer, Faith Formation Coordinator, presented Miss Judy Kosinski a Sacred Heart of Jesus in honor of her 35 years of ministry as a catechist. Miss Judy has prepared countless children to receive their First Communion! We...
Congratulations to Martha Librock!
Congratulations to Martha Librock, our recipient of the St. Joseph the Worker Award! The Pentecost Second Reading says, "To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit." Martha truly shares her gifts with our parish. Just this week she...
WHEAT’s Second Life in the Eucharist Retreat Session
Another amazing turnout for our second Life in the Eucharist Retreat Session at St. Joseph Church in Holland! The session's theme was Eucharist as Reconciliation. Fr. Bob Wardenski noted that every time we're at Mass receiving Eucharist is Reconciliation. We...
WHEAT’s First Life in the Eucharist Retreat Session
We feel so blessed to have over 140 people at our first Life in the Eucharist Retreat Session at St. Vincent de Paul in Springbrook! Fr. Jerry gave a wonderful presentation on Eucharist as nourishment. Deacon Kevin Barron gave a beautiful witness on the same topic. He...