About Our Church
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Rev. Gerard Skrzynski
Rev. Aaron Kulczyk
Parochial Vicar
Rev. Karl Loeb
Senior Parochial Vicar
Mrs. Denise York
Director of Youth Ministry and Faith Formation
(716) 652-6400
Mrs. Jennifer Kreutzer
Coordinator of Faith Formation Grades 1-5
(716) 655-0067
New Parishioners
Please contact the Rectory to register as members of our parish family. We hope you will find a loving Christian community here. Letters of recommendation can only be given to members of our parish who are in good standing and have been formally registered in the parish and active for at least three months.
Information on Confessions, Marriages, Baptisms and Anointing of the Sick.
Liturgical Ministries
Mass Involvement / Music Ministry Information
Children's Liturgy
Children’s Liturgy of the Word, celebrated during the 9:30 am Mass.
Hospital Visitations
Our priests are never “too busy” to visit the sick at home or in the hospital.