Faith Formation

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Mission Statement
Accompanying families in the catechesis of their children and young people.

Office Phone Number: 716-655-0067

Mrs. Jennifer Kreutzer, Coordinator

Mrs. Melanie Macey, Secretary

Faith Formation

Grades 1-6: Elementary school children and parents attend Family Faith Formation monthly on Sunday following 9:30am mass.

Grades 7-8: Middle school students meet one night per week (Thursdays – 7-8:30 pm) during the school year.

Grade 9: In-person classes Thursday evenings (7 – 8:30 pm) during the school year. 

Grade 10 (Discerning): Young people meet on Thursday nights (7-8:30pm) in the fall, and their Confirmation classes meet on Thursday  nights from 7-8:30pm.

For additional information on the 2024-2025 model, click the box below.

Family Faith Formation: 1st Reconciliation/1st Eucharist Prep

Grade 10: Confirmation Prep - Catholic School Students

Registration for 2024-2025 School Year

Please complete the re-registration form (CLICK THE BUTTON BELOW TO DOWNLOAD THE FORM) and return it to the Religious Education Office asap. New families may use the registration form that is labeled “new.” Upon registering, please consider the expectations of a Catholic family here at Immaculate Conception Parish:

  1. Participation in weekly Mass and the Sacraments.
  2. Support and involvement in the life of the parish.
  3. A supportive attitude toward the parish and the Faith Formation Program.

Both registration forms may be downloaded below.

Adult Faith Formation

Adult education programs are offered in the fall and spring. Classes are held on Wednesday evenings and Thursday mornings—your choice! A variety of topics provide opportunities for both learning and sharing our faith. 

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

Classes which prepare candidates for membership into the Catholic faith, are offered yearly in our parish. Classes are held on Tuesday evenings, beginning in the fall and ending in early spring, when new members are welcomed into full membership in the Church at the Easter Vigil Mass.

Contact the Rectory at 652-6400.