Road to Renewal Process

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This page contains the notes from our Pillar Chair Meetings and pertinent information for our Road to Renewal Process.

Road to Renewal Prayer

Dear Holy Spirit, direct our minds and hearts by your gracious presence.
Watch over our paths and guide us with your love through the challenges of each new day.
Fix our hearts on you seeking your holy will on our Road to Renewal.
We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

Pillar Chairs

Liturgy Pillar Chair: Tammy Stanek, St. Vincent de Paul, Springbrook
Spiritual Life Chair: Susan Boyle, St. George, West Falls
Forming Disciples Chair: Eric Apen, St. George, West Falls
OutReach/InReach Pillar Chair:  Deacon Martin Hackford, St. Vincent de Paul, Springbrook
Stewardship Pillar Co-Chairs: Martha Librock, Immaculate Conception, East Aurora 
Administration Pillar Chair: Paul Voytovich, St. George, West Falls
Life in the Eucharist Coordinator: Deborah Keenan, Annunciation, Elma (it is vital to have all 5 parishes represented in the Pillar Chairs)

For more information on the tasks for each Pillar, you may read the Information Sheet from the diocese by clicking on the button below.

Trends for our Family of Parishes ~ One of the "Why's" for our Road to Renewal

If you missed our meeting with Fr. Bryan Zielenieski, Vicar for Renewal, explaining our Family’s Trends, you may view the slides from the presentation by clicking on the button below. 

Pillar Chair Meeting Notes

The Pillar Chairs have had two meetings with our Family Pastor, Fr. Jerry Skrzynski. Below are the notes from each of the meetings that you may view as pdf documents in a new tab. Just click on the Meeting Date.

Pillar Chair Mtg 11 8 2023

Pillar Chair Mtg 12 12 2023