Miss Judy Kosinski Recognized for Catechesis

Miss Judy Kosinski Recognized for Catechesis

At the Breaking of the Bread last month Mrs. Kreutzer, Faith Formation Coordinator, presented Miss Judy Kosinski a Sacred Heart of Jesus in honor of her 35 years of ministry as a catechist. Miss Judy has prepared countless children to receive their First Communion! We are so blessed to have her teaching our Faith Formation Third Graders!

Congratulations to Martha Librock!

Congratulations to Martha Librock!

Martha and Fr. Jerry

Congratulations to Martha Librock, our recipient of the St. Joseph the Worker Award!

The Pentecost Second Reading says, “To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit.” Martha truly shares her gifts with our parish. Just this week she and the Social Committee provided the reception for our Confirmation Mass. She also made the dinner for Bishop Malone, our priests and deacons before the Confirmation too. Martha is also a member of our Liturgical Environment Committee.

No task is too big or too small for her. We are so blessed to have her gifts and talents as part of our parish community. This photo was taken as she was preparing for the St. Joseph Table, and appropriately taken with the St. Martha Statue in our parish kitchen!

WHEAT’s Second Life in the Eucharist Retreat Session

WHEAT’s Second Life in the Eucharist Retreat Session

Another amazing turnout for our second Life in the Eucharist Retreat Session at St. Joseph Church in Holland!

The session’s theme was Eucharist as Reconciliation. Fr. Bob Wardenski noted that every time we’re at Mass receiving Eucharist is Reconciliation. We experience God’s mercy and love at Mass. Deborah Keenan gave a witness talk on how Eucharist helped connect a strained family relationship.

The afternoon allowed so many people in our WHEAT Family to see the beautiful Church at St. Joseph’s and experience their hospitality in the Parish Hall. The next session is on Eucharist as Transformation. It will be held at Immaculate Conception, East Aurora from 2-3:30pm on March 3rd. Our speakers are Fr. Karl Loeb and Christine Kelly. We hope you can join us!


WHEAT’s First Life in the Eucharist Retreat Session

WHEAT’s First Life in the Eucharist Retreat Session

We feel so blessed to have over 140 people at our first Life in the Eucharist Retreat Session at St. Vincent de Paul in Springbrook!

Fr. Jerry gave a wonderful presentation on Eucharist as nourishment. Deacon Kevin Barron gave a beautiful witness on the same topic. He also challenged us to invite others to our communal meal as an invitation to a guest of honor. He noted that telling people they will go to hell for not coming may not be an effective invitation. He also shared ~ “See you in the Eucharist” is a reminder that when we receive Eucharist everyone is there regardless of their location.

Fr. Jerry taught us about Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament before leading us in worship.

It was a holy afternoon for our WHEAT Family to gather for catechesis, prayer and fellowship.

2022 Fall Food Collection

2022 Fall Food Collection

These pictures are from the Gift Card deliveries to the Response to Love Center and FISH from our Thanksgiving/Fall Food Collection. Gift Cards were also given to Catholic Charitites Immigration and Resettlement. Over $8,300 was collected this year which is AMAZING!!!

Thank you for your efforts to help our brothers and sisters in Christ!